Mawlid al-Nabi ﷺ

Islamic Center of Greater Toledo 25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

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Reviving Faith

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Start your Jumu'ah night with dhikr and a short lesson in spirituality with Ustadh Ismail Bowers through a short reading of Imam al-Ghazali's summarized guidelines for spiritual life.

Ramadan 1

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Gems: A Ramadan Series w/Dr. Alo

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Tune in on Sundays for a spiritually fulfilling Sunday conversation led by Imam Ahmad Deeb with nationally recognized scholars and community leaders. We're thrilled to virtually learn from scholars and leaders like Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray, Angelica Lindsey-Ali, Dr. Mazen Atassi, and local community leader Dr. Mohammad Alo. Each Sunday, we'll learn from our brilliant […]

Gems: A Ramadan Series w/Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Tune in on Sundays for a spiritually fulfilling Sunday conversation led by Imam Ahmad Deeb with nationally recognized scholars and community leaders. We're thrilled to virtually learn from scholars and leaders like Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray, Angelica Lindsey-Ali, Dr. Mazen Atassi, and local community leader Dr. Mohammad Alo. Each Sunday, we'll learn from our brilliant […]

Gems: A Ramadan Series w/Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Tune in on Sundays for a spiritually fulfilling Sunday conversation led by Imam Ahmad Deeb with nationally recognized scholars and community leaders. We're thrilled to virtually learn from scholars and leaders like Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray, Angelica Lindsey-Ali, Dr. Mazen Atassi, and local community leader Dr. Mohammad Alo. Each Sunday, we'll learn from our brilliant […]

Gems: A Ramadan Series w/Ustadha Angelica Lindsey-Ali

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Tune in on Sundays for a spiritually fulfilling Sunday conversation led by Imam Ahmad Deeb with nationally recognized scholars and community leaders. We're thrilled to virtually learn from scholars and leaders like Shaykha Dr. Tamara Gray, Angelica Lindsey-Ali, Dr. Mazen Atassi, and local community leader Dr. Mohammad Alo. Each Sunday, we'll learn from our brilliant […]

Seeking Laylat al-Qadr

Islamic Center of Greater Toledo 25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

We are looking forward to hosting you and your family for a night of remembrance on Wednesday, April 27th. Celebrating Laylat al-Qadr together provides us the ideal opportunity to reinforce […]

Gems: A Ramadan Series w/Dr. Mazen Atassi

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Tune in on Sundays for a spiritually fulfilling Sunday conversation led by Imam Ahmad Deeb with nationally recognized scholars and community leaders. We're thrilled to virtually learn from scholars and […]

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