Race for the Cure

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States


Virtual Family Spiritual Night

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Bring your Qur'an and Dhikr beads and join Imam Ahmad Deeb and Ustadh Ismail Bowers for a virtual night of meditation to revive our hearts.


Coffee and Conversations

25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

A virtual reading and discussion group on living Islam with purpose, based on the famous article by Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah, taught by Imam Ahmad Deeb. You can access the article at: https://bit.ly/livingislamwithpurpose


Tarawīh Program

Islamic Center of Greater Toledo 25877 Scheider Rd, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Each night of Ramadan, we will have 20 rakats of Tarawīh with a full khatm led by Shaykh Abdallah Deeb and Imam Ahmad Deeb, as well as our 30-for-30 lectures on building a Qur'anic community after 8 rakats.

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